07 April 2010

gadget: iPhone..its so cool

last sunday, 4apr 2010...miera dgn hati x berape rela nk g terpaksa g untuk memenuhkan kuota seat yg dah MDec provide kat lab in terengganu public library..
tp at last im hepy 2 went there..why?coz...
kat sane encik azizi our instructor taught us how 2 develop software 4 iPhone..bez jer..x pyh sesak otak pk coding(coz im a programmer 2 be>still learning.he9)..iMac pon bez..memg r bez coz nk develop software 4 Alle.Inc mesti r kene gune brg99 dorg..
da bez thing..kat part when apps software 4 iphone 2 success kite bley jual 4 free o kite charge.n as feedback kite bley dapat byk side income..juz lepak kat umah or any places to create money..money yg masuk pon ratus99 ribu r in dolaar not ringgit.WOW..bez!!1like it
wishing to attend kursus on iPhone in short time...


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