one of article title from akhbar harian metro about kenaikan emas kahwin kat selangor...
rase2 patot x dorg naik kan harga emas kahwin nie? 4 me agak patot r coz usually dorg gune duit
mas kahwin nie untuk beli jewellery so dat mane de harga jewellery zaman sekarang nie price die in puluh9 dat suitable r kalo JAIS 2 naik kan price mas kahwin..
but kalo in the other side some people mungkin nampak it become burden coz macam mahal sgt,kenaikkan macam sudden n our economy not stabilize it sort of worth coz it simplify a women dignity..women may b not care much about diz but they may b want their husband-to-be affordable n x berkira sgt about mas kahwin nie...for men..x kan nak berkira sgt kot, mas kahwin kan lagi pentg n plg di utama kan besides mas kahwin 2 pon untuk ur wife
future may be se-malaysia akan naik kn mas kahwin nie stage by stage..hu9
pergh m'dalam isu psal mas kawin ek..
jgn la letak tgi sgt mira,cian bakal suami ko
ko pon jangan r letak tingi9 kan aku rase mas kahwin 2 biar tinggi9 coz duit dapat kat kite pon tp hantaran x payah melampau tinggi nak letak..kang berhutang lagi payah..he9
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